Running Google Sketchup on Wine

You can run “Sketchup the 3D modelling software for everyone from Google” in Wine on Ubuntu. In this article I’ll try to explain how to get by the error “Sketchup was unable to initialize OpenGl”.

This error is relatively easy to get by.

  • Go to your “Home folder and make sure you see all your hidden files (in Gnome File Browser go to View and select “Show Hidden Files”.
  • Go to .wine folder
  • Open the file user.reg with notepad or Gedit
  • Search for GLConfig
  • Change de “HW_OK”=dword:00000000 to “HW_OK”=dword:00000001
  • Save the changes you made in the file user.reg

Now you’re ready to start Google Sketchup on Wine


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Firefox zoom not working on Mac OSX

By default the “pinch open” and “close zoom” options are not working in Firefox on OSX. But it’s not that hard to enable the Firefox zoom settings, if you know how to do it…

Open Firefox
Go to a new tab, type in “about:config” and hit <Enter>.
Click the “I’ll be careful, I promise!” button.

You can now modify the related browser.gesture preferences by changing the values as stated below:

  • -> cmd_fullZoomReduce
  • -> cmd_fullZoomReset
  • browser.gesture.pinch.out -> cmd_fullZoomEnlarge
  • browser.gesture.pinch.out.shift -> cmd_fullZoomReset
  • browser.gesture.pinch.latched -> false

Once you have changed the preferences, close the tab and the new settings should work. You might want to restart Firefox!?


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Updating Squeezelite on your Raspberry Pi

After running Squeezelite on my Raspberry Pi for a while, I thought it would be time to update Squeezelite to it’s latest version. And this is how I did it…

First you’ll have to login to your Raspberry Pi, you might want to open a terminal and use SSH…

If you don’t have a squeezelite folder, then create one! You can do this by using mkdir in your terminal:

mkdir squeezelite


Now go to your squeezelite folder:

cd squeezelite


Remove an older version, if it’s there:

rm ./squeezelite-armv6hf


Next download the latest version:



Remove the old version:

sudo rm /usr/bin/squeezelite-armv6hf


Copy the latest version to the folder /usr/bin:

sudo cp squeezelite-armv6hf /usr/bin


Setting the permissions right:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/squeezelite-armv6hf


Reboot If you want, else stop start the service:

sudo shutdown -r now


Now you are ready to rock and roll (again) !!!


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How to do a ping sweep in Linux

Sometimes it can be handy to ‘see’, what is around you on a network. For instance when you’re using DHCP on a network and you want to find which addresses are already taken. Or you want to check whether specific machines are up and running… Of course there are various tools you can install or use, but there are times that you just can’t reach for the right tool(s)…

You don’t want to do a ping sweep for nothing ;-)…

Of course there is a way of ping sweeping from the command line 🙂 By simply using the ‘FOR’, ‘PIPE’ and ‘GREP’ commands in a clever way.

for i in {1..254}; do ping -c 1 -W 1 192.168.1.$i | grep ‘from’; done

Naturally you can stop the ping sweep by entering Ctrl+z


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How to install Webmin on Trixbox

Webmin is a valuable tool used for the configuration of Linux-based servers. Webmin installs an HTTP-based GUI which you can get to by using port 10000 from a browser.

To install Webmin, you need to run the following commands in your Linux CLI:

wget –no-check-certificate
rpm -i webmin-1.881-1.noarch.rpm

Once the install has finished, you can get to your Webmin console by putting the following into a browser that exists on your LAN:


(replace ServerIPAddress with the IP address of your Trixbox)