Configure WiFi for LibreELEC Kodi

Configuring the WiFi for LibreELEC is quite easy. In this article, I’ll explain how to connect your LibreELEC (KODI) to your access point.

During the initial setup of your LibreELEC box, please enable SSH. If you did not do this, you can configure this afterward by adjusting the settings within KODI.

So assuming you have SSH enabled, we will have to find your KODI PI. The easiest way to do this is by using a scanner like “Angry IP Scanner”. Scan your IP-range, look for Kodi, and remember it IP address :-).

Now open a terminal window:
$ ssh root@ip address of your Kodi Pi

The default password of your LibreELEC box is:

Now, let’s start configuring your LibreELEC box.
Go to the /storage/.cache/connman folder.
$ cd /storage/.cache/connman

We’ll have to create a text file that provides LibreELEC with the necessary information. You need to be careful and precise, typos result in a not working WiFi configuration. So if it doesn’t work, you probably made a typo… It happened to me 😉

Take note, You need to replace mywifi with the SSID of your access point (WiFi box). The passphrase needs to be replaced with the password of your access point.

$ nano ./mywifi.config

=== Copy Text Start ===

Type = wifi
Name = mywifi
Passphrase = passphrase

=== Copy Text End ===

To save the file hit Ctrl+X followed by Y and Enter.

So if the name of your access point is WARPDRIVE, and the password of your access point is EnterpriseNCC1701D. You should now have a WARPDRIVE.config file which should contain the following information:

Type = wifi
Passphrase = EnterpriseNCC1701D

If you want to use a fixed IP address, check the code below…

=== Copy Text Start ===

Type = wifi
Name = mywifi
Passphrase = passphrase
IPv4=ip address/subnet mask/gateway address

=== Copy Text End ===

Suggestions for improving this article are welcome, please let me know and drop me a line .